The Brazilian fan club, "Elvis Presley's World" will release a series of three books that deal with Elvis's career. In 2005, the first book was released, called "O Rei de Las Vegas", which it described, in detail, Elvis in Las Vegas. In 2006, the second volume of this collection, called "Elvis em TurnĂª" by Waldenir Cecon has been released. This book deals with all of Elvis's tours in the seventies.
This book's cover is quite attractive, with a photo of Elvis in concert and tickets of some of his concerts in the 70's. Back cover also contains a seventies picture. The text is written in the Portuguese language.
The book begins with a preface on the digressions of Elvis in the seventies, followed by eight chapters, each one dedicated to a different year between 1970 and 1977. Each chapter has is an introduction of the tours, fans or persons connected with Elvis memories, photos (black and white), the list of the songs Elvis sang, the dates and hours of the concerts, the jumpsuits he wore, the number of persons who assisted the concerts and the present musicians. The chapters end with a detailed list of the concerts on CD (imported) - including the lists of the songs and the photos of the covers.
This 350 pages book also contains a section with around a dozen photos of Elvis. Besides the photos of the CDs and the concert tickets, the book contains over 80 black and white live photos of Elvis.
The book ends with an epilogue on the tour that Elvis would begin on August 17th, 1977.
This is a book recommended to all fans that like Elvis in the 70's and do not speak the English language. There is a great lack of good books on Elvis written in Portuguese and this collection is, such as his name indicates, "Essential To Fans". I regret that there will be only 300 of these books. Many fans will fail the opportunity to be able to have this precious guide in their collections. If you liked the first book, you must not lose this one!
Edition: Elvis Presley's World Fan Club
Author: Waldenir Cecon
Release date: January 2006
Elvis Em Turnê
By Ana Henriques (Portugal), February 05, 2006 | Book