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Bashing Fans

By Lucien Ravennest, December 14, 2002 | Other
I’m getting more and more disappointed by my fellow Elvis fans. When a fan-site like ElvisNews adds an article with the clear intention to collect as many as possible Seasons Greetings, all they get is a couple of reactions (Happy X-mas by the way). Of course! People might think that Elvis fans are positive people.

Some days later on the same site we find an article about an upcoming FTD-release. And this time Ernst & Co are going way too far, according to some ‘fans’. FTD has the guts to release an audience recording. Even worse, they’ll release an audience recording of a show, Pittsburg 1976, we already have in three different versions. Disregarding the fact that if it is the same quality in which I heard some parts of the show (than it can compete with a lot of soundboard-recordings), I get an ill feeling in my stomach when I read some of the reactions. Because ElvisNews’ strict policy about name calling (and I noticed often that they applied their rules) it is not as bad as on other places on the internet. Still it is painful to see remarks like ‘I WILL NOT BUY THIS CRAP’ in capitals (unfortunately it seems the non-capital rule skips this, because the rest of the message was not in capitals) or ‘BIG, BIG MISTAKE’.
Those ‘valuable’ contributions are so screaming that all the positive contributions are snowing under. Gladly ElvisNews did remove some of the worst during the of writing of my opinion, I noticed while clicking refresh.

Of course people are free not to buy a FTD-release, and they can think it is a mistake to release an audience recording. But why say it in this screaming way? Just say why you don’t want or like it and don’t buy the release. That’s the great thing of our free market system… nobody forces you to buy every release.

I guess Ernst Jorgensen has had his share of nonsense like this, and he can deal with it, since he is obviously much more mature than many other Elvis-fans, but that’s just my opinion.